
Thank you so much for being here – my name is Shoshi and I'm a Melbourne based Artist, Art Therapist, Writer of hopeful tales and the Founder of Mi Smarts - helping children explore their minds and hearts, activating space for self love and self acceptance. Through each of my practices, I am constantly reminded of the power that symbolism and imagery hold and believe that all forms of art have the ability to connect us to our most personal truths. Art can be the greatest healer.

A lot of children and even adults sometimes find it difficult to find the right words to express how they feel. With the use of imagery and symbols the subconscious and conscious mind are given the opportunity to be heard and seen in a different way.

1. We get to know each other

Over the course of the sessions, myself and the client have the opportunity to build trust and emotional safety. I emphasise that each child’s time is valued; creating a comfortable space that feels as if it is purely for them.

2. We try various forms of art and expression

Each process is different for each child. For some, the act of creating the art is what is important and for others it’s about making sense of what lies beneath. In this child centred space, they will make the decision about how the hour will unfold. Therefore, in this process we trust that what is meant to present itself will.

3. We create understanding and awareness

As the client experiences their process through art, imagination and self-exploration, it is possible that certain things may appear in their artwork and that particular themes may be discussed. Children are advised that parents or guardians will be informed of anything that is of concern of or importance.

4. We set intentions

As the sessions progress, we evaluate what may need extra attention and we continue to explore certain themes in a gentle and organic way.

5. We continue our creative journey…

Some children will come and see me until their specific challenge has been worked through however, healing is not typically a linear process. Sometimes this means touching base further down the line for continued support or having regular check in sessions. Other children may choose to continue with sessions on a more regular and frequent basis as to add to their weekly heart and soul nourishment.

The space

In my home Art Therapy space, I've created a comfortable haven with art supplies, magical objects, and the calming presence of my cat. It's a private spot that fosters creativity and emotional exploration in a relaxed atmosphere.

Ask me a question

A peaceful dove paints their story of flying through darkness in order to find light.

This dove is a reminder of how important it is to follow our hearts desires, reclaim our freedom, and treasure our inner world.

This dove teaches self-worth and reminds us how to accept each of our feathers – even the ones that feel tired and hurt.

This dove embraces forgiveness towards themselves through each storm, soaring higher towards deeper love and understanding.

This dove has the ability to look from all angles.

They have stood at the very bottom and have travelled to the tallest tree.

This dove takes their paintbrush and creates new hopes and possibilities.

This is what we are all about here at Little Seeds Big Trees